Don't let your structure be the barrier to success.  We can assess your current state and architect the right organization to meet your business objectives, unleash employee potential and ensure your company is designed in an efficient manner.


Do you currently have the right people in the right seats? What about your leadership team? Do you know what positions you need now, and in the future, to keep pace with business needs? Most companies don’t and they end up spending thousands of dollars each year churning through mismatched talent or a general lack of qualified talent while business results stall. Don’t let this happen to you.


You know what your quarterly and financial targets are and have identified new products, emerging markets or differentiating services to grow your business.  But do you know how to strategically align your human capital to meet growing business demands and company objectives? Most HR departments don’t have the strategic skills to do this well (or at all), so let Moxie HR Strategies help you instead.


If your business isn’t quite large enough to hire a full time HR staff or if you recently lost your HR leader, you may want to consider fractional HR support. We’ve worked with small companies with as few as 15 workers up to mature organizations with hundreds of employees (and an HR team) to provide part time or on-call expertise during times of transition. Then, when our clients are ready, we go one step further and help them identify the right talent and experience to meet current and future business needs.


According to Gallup (2024), only 30% of American workers are actively engaged (committed and enthusiastic) in their job.  This means the rest of the workforce is not thrilled with their job or employer and this disengagement reduces productivity, innovation, creativity, retention and ultimately harms financial success. We can help you uncover the causes and create strategies for improving overall engagement of your employees.


“Culture” is a big word and it means different things to each company.  No matter your definition, a healthy culture attracts talent, drives engagement and retention, impacts happiness and satisfaction, and affects company performance.  Let us identify gaps between the culture you want to attain and the culture you currently have then create solutions for transforming your organization into a workplace where everyone thrives.


Your organization probably have a contingency plan if your IT system fails, production lines stop because of quality issues, or a business continuity plan should your physical structures be impacted by a natural disaster. But what about a succession plan should a critical executive or key manager leave? Most CEO’s know they need to have a leadership continuity plan in place, but it’s one of those things that constantly gets put into the “someday” pile to address later…and “later” never comes. Don’t be caught off guard and have business suffer as a result. We help identify current and future leadership bench strength, define required competencies and qualifications for each position and put in place a succession plan that develops next generation talent for those ‘what if’ moments.


How a company addresses employee performance and the review process says a lot about leadership capabilities and company culture.  It’s also one of the areas that can make or break employee engagement and turnover rates. We have years of experience creating performance management processes that foster positive, collaborative relationships between managers and employees, help build trust and respect, and define and develop career paths for individuals. We are also skilled at guiding managers through the difficult conversations and documentation process required to properly manage low performers and mitigate legal risks.


From emerging managers to executives, at some point everyone could use a little guidance and a trusted advisor to hone their skills, solve tough problems and improve listening and communication.  At Moxie HR Strategies we serve as a business resource to leaders of all levels and from all industries. Our goal is to advise and provide confidential coaching to build the skills and personal confidence required to be an effective and inspiring leader that people want to follow.